An Ancient Exercise to Help You Refocus: Your Monday Pick-Me-Up

Good Morning.

It’s Monday. You are sitting in your office acting like you are not surfing the web. It’s cool, I won’t tell your boss. Obviously, it is time for your brain to take a break and come to find its true potential. This article is intended to lead you to discover your ability to dominate seemingly uncontrollable forces in your life by using an ancient exercise, known to first be used in Japan during the Yayoi period (circa 500 B.C.). You might feel odd doing this but believe me it works wonders. The trick is to keep it moving quickly and to question nothing! So grab a pencil and a piece of paper. GO! GO! GO!

Step 1

Trace your hand on the paper like you are in an elementary art class in November... No, you will not be turning it into a turkey.

Step 2

Lift the paper to eye level and hold it in front of you with both hands. Pull tightly on each side of the paper. Feel the tension creating a balance as you hold the drawing firmly, steadily.

Step 3

This part might seem silly, but believe me, it is crucial to the exercise. Focus on the outline of your hand, following the curves up to the tip of your thumb. Now slide down the hill and back up the steep incline to the very edge of your pointer finger. Imagine that you are sledding down each of these rivets. Feel your stomach shifting up and down as if you are on a rollercoaster. Feel the wind in your hair. Now direct your gaze up and back down the dips between your fingers until you reach your wrist once again. Then, recite this:

“This is the hand of life. With its beautiful ups and downs, its violent dips, and its high points as well. Just like a hand, life has the ability to slap you right in the noggin whenever it pleases. But I am a strong, independent, resilient individual who can withstand anything.”

At this point ram your head right through the paper, screeching:


Step 4

Congratulations. You have made it through the most taxing portion of this exercise. Your last step is to pass this exercise on to someone else who you believe needs to discover his or her inner energy and power through the art of hand turkey exercises.

Have a great Monday, and return next week to further improve your relationship with the balance and control of the universe.

Anna is a full-time student and part-time musician at Indiana University, studying Public Relations and Spanish. She enjoys running, playing guitar, producing creative media, and long walks on the beach. She writes in hope of sharing her perspective and insight through her uniquely young, ambitious, over-confidently witty voice.
