Recruiting Is Not a Nuisance

The most important commodity for any organization is its people. It starts with recruiting the best team through best practices. Very few management activities are as important as recruiting, building, and improving a team. Any leader's role will be made either more rewarding or more difficult by the team she builds.
Fulfilling leadership responsibilities may rest more on recruiting skills than any other leadership task. Without a passion for recruiting and the development of recruiting skills, a manager's true leadership potential might never be realized.
Recruiting Isn't an Interruption
A few years ago, I wrote a preface for a recruiting manual. I began with, "Organizations that improve their hiring and retention competencies will increase their market share as others lose theirs." Improved recruiting and retention lead to more productive employees who deliver a higher quality product, which leads to a more robust bottom line and more market share.
It all begins with recruiting. Recruiting the best employees, the best fit for your organization's culture and needs, and that starts with leadership understanding the importance of recruiting.
Before discussing who, where, and how to recruit, let's clarify one point — Recruiting is not a Nuisance!
• It doesn't interrupt your day
• It doesn't interfere with your work
• It IS your work
If you're a manager, what you manage is people. I've often observed managers put recruiting on the back burner because of supposedly "more important tasks." Nothing is more important! Have I made my point? The first time you think, "Crap! I have to do an interview now." Remember, hiring and building the best team IS your job.
Building a Winning Team Begins with:
• A passion for recruiting
• Understanding recruiting is a full-time job
• A dedication to improving recruiting skills
Without a dedication to improving recruiting skills, a commitment to always be recruiting, and the urgency to recruit, you'll be at the mercy of whoever walks in your door and completes an employment application.
Do you think I'm off base or exaggerating? How many times have you taken a "chance" on an employment candidate? How often have you hired someone you knew better than to hire but did so out of desperation to fill an opening?
I'm not throwing any stones because I have done all the above. If you have as well, it might be time to change your thinking about recruiting. Recruiting isn't a nuisance; bad hires are.
But what If You Don't Have the Time or Skills to Recruit?
If that's the case, we can handle the details of recruiting for you, so you can focus on what you do best.
The hiring process can be a long and brutal exercise when you're trying to do it all yourself, especially while juggling the everyday tasks required to keep your company on track.
You can use our recruiting experience to handle the details. We will quickly find the talent you need in order to stay operational without skipping a beat.
We are as helpful and hands-on as you need us to be. Leave the searching to us and see how easy the hiring process can be with a professional recruiter in your corner.
Contact us if you're ready to hear more about how we can help at!