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Get out, thought thieves

There is a meme floating around the Internet of a gentleman and his dog sitting on a bench, overlooking a wonderful landscape, thought bubbles floating above their heads. There are multiple thought bubbles above the man’s head, including icons for money, work, travel, a big house, cars, etc. Meanwhile, there is one thought bubble above the dogs head and inside it is an image of exactly what is happening at that moment. Nothing else.

Do you often find yourself falling victim to these thought thieves like this gentleman? Our days are filled with opportunities to be fully present, to enjoy the moment exactly as it is. That first sip of coffee or tea, the first bite of a delicious meal, the feel of the sun illuminating and warming your face the second you walk out the door in the morning, or even just the first moment upon waking. There are the little pockets of time when so many of us allow these thought thieves to slink their way into our brains and take up residence despite our limited real estate. We take a sip of coffee and then think about the mountain of work waiting for us at the office. We are too busy concerning ourselves with dreams of more, more, more to appreciate the simplicity of the shining sun.

These thought thieves do not enter our minds without our consent and once they arrive they proceed to set up camp. The first thief pitches its tent, then invites its friends and its friends’ friends and so on. It doesn’t just happen inexplicably. Whether or not we want to admit it, we notice when that first thought pops into our heads and we allow it to lead us down the rabbit hole. The only thing this accomplishes is added stress. Stress because we need that fancy car or we need more money or we need more time or we need more. Just more.

However, by not allowing these thieves to steal your peace, your mindfulness, you may just realize that you have enough. That these thoughts do not add any value at all to your present moment or your life in general. What does add value is focusing on what is right in front of us and realizing it really is enough. Sitting on the bench with my dog looking at a beautiful landscape? There is no need to tarnish that beautiful moment with thoughts of more. The moment itself is enough.

Aimee has spent the past we won't say how many years working on the marketing side of the A/E/C industry, bridging the technical with the creative through clever proposals and various marketing pieces. This experience has intensified her affinity for proper grammar, brand standards and white space. When not creating proposals or interesting memes, Aimee spends her time writing, reading, playing with her Irish wolfhound, drinking coffee, hiking, and being an all-around nerd. There is not a game out there she won't play or a mountain she won't climb. Except maybe K2; that one is scary. Her blog,, is about finding yourself and being brave enough to be you.

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