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How the Internet is Changing the Hiring Game and How it Could Be Hurting You

As the web is being inundated with more and more job platforms, we are seeing a drastic change in the hiring game. The problem with Indeed, ZipRecruiter, CareerBuilder, and similar platforms is that everyone uses them. Doesn’t sound so bad, right? More jobs, more options. Not exactly. For companies in need of good people and serious job seekers, it’s really just an overload of information and it reduces the chances of actually matching a quality candidate to the right position. The platform gets flooded and turns into a deep pool that we then have to wade through to find anything of value.

The main problem is that most of the search process on job boards is based on buzzwords. When you’re searching for a job, or if you’re an employer searching for a candidate, you’re able to filter your search criteria by using a search bar and selecting keywords that best fit your needs. If the job posting or resume doesn’t contain those keywords or phrases, you may be missing out on some great options.

There are a few other issues these platforms have.

For job candidates:

Those looking for a job are probably finding a lot of postings and applying to multiple openings. Most of the time, resumes from job boards get sent to an HR person who then filters through all of the applicants. Sometimes, this person will forward the resume to a specific department to be reviewed, but often, that person does the screening themselves.

The problem that results from resume screenings done in HR is that HR may not fully understand what is needed to fulfill the position. Often, HR may pass on candidates because their resume isn’t truly highlighting how they would best fit the needs for the position.

The alternative is to apply directly to the company. Unfortunately, with so much to wade through already, your resume might end up in a black hole and you may hear nothing for weeks. When your resume ends up in a giant stack, there is no real way to help make yours jumps to the top.

How to overcome this:

Rather than applying blindly, connect with some folks who work for your desired company and see if they can forward your resume to the person in charge of hiring. Having an in is key.

If this seems unlikely, you can also contact a recruiter who specializes in your field. Good recruiters (not all are good, unfortunately) will have built solid relationships with their clients and will have direct access to the hiring manager(s). These recruiters usually have a contract in place and a job order to fill. If you’re prominent on sites like LinkedIn, recruiters will often find you. It’s really about relationships and making yourself stand out!

For employers:

Employers face the problem of volume when using online job boards. As an employer, you pay a fee to post your opening, but you still have to devote the time to filter the applicants. Many candidates that apply aren’t even qualified. Sometimes people plug in a keyword and just apply for every title or position that remotely resembles a fit, even if it really isn’t. Also, if you have chosen to advertise your job opening, it’s likely people are applying to multiple openings, so the issue becomes competing for talent.

How to overcome this:

If you choose to advertise your job opening, make sure it is specific and includes everything you’re looking for. Once you receive resumes, have a dedicated person review all applicants in a timely manner. Timing is everything with the current job market–it’s definitely the job seekers who are in the driver’s seat right now.

Also, make sure your interview process is efficient and is followed up with an organized on-boarding and training schedule. If you don’t have time to develop and implement these processes, utilizing a recruiter is helpful. Industry-specific recruiters often know the ins and outs of your market and can help execute these processes. It is often worth the investment to let them do the leg work and bring you the best candidates.

Also, good recruiters perform thorough screenings and compile candidate’s information in an easily digestible document so that you fully understand the candidate’s background and get a feel for how they will fit in your company. When you interview a job candidate sent by a quality recruiter, it should almost mimic a final interview. While recruitment fees often seem high, the amount of time put into finding the right person (which is taken off your plate), is definitely worth it so you can focus on running your company, rather than diverting your attention away from your current responsibilities.

I’m not saying Indeed and other job boards are bad ... but, as with many tech options, you will see quality results from having an actual individual manage the search. In larger companies, internal recruiters are becoming a popular option to help fulfill multiple needs. While helpful, these recruiters often find themselves overwhelmed by the hiring process as well, as they receive the same influx of applicants.

How We are Recruiters differs from the competition:

We like to meet with our clients face to face to get to know them better and clearly understand their needs. We gather information so that we fully understand their background and have a firm grasp on their skillset. Once we feel comfortable that we are partnering with a quality candidate, we review our top options and prepare all the information companies need to evaluate our candidate. We do all of the leg work so that our clients don’t have to.

Our process greatly improves hiring efficiency for organizations and it helps job candidates get in front of the people who actually have the authority to make them an offer. We only take on 1-2 clients at a time which allows us to fully focus our attention on those individual needs. In addition, we make sure we fill the most urgent positions first so that a company can continue to function at 100%.

If you’re looking for a new job or need to hire someone to help fill your current openings, please reach out to us. We’d love to chat to see if we can be of assistance!

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